Medicaid Compliant Annuity White Paper

About the White Paper

Delve into the Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA), a revolutionary spend-down tool designed to accelerate your client’s eligibility for Medicaid and protect their hard-earned assets. With this comprehensive white paper, you’ll learn how to use this innovative product to enhance your practice and help more senior clients get the benefits they deserve.
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Download the White Paper

A Medicaid Compliant Annuity is a spend-down tool used in crisis planning. It’s a single premium immediate annuity that converts excess funds into an income stream with no cash value. When properly structured, an MCA accelerates Medicaid eligibility, while protecting your client’s assets. Download this guide to learn more!

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What’s Inside?

  • How MCAs fit in the Medicaid program
  • Requirements to ensure Medicaid compliance
  • Options for funding an MCA
  • Situations where an MCA is appropriate
  • Strategies for using this spend-down tool in practice
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