Funeral Expense Trust White Paper

About the White Paper

Help clients take the right steps toward safeguarding their financial future with a funeral expense trust (FET). This product allows them to set aside funds for their funeral and burial expenses and rest assured their loved ones won’t have to worry about covering these costs. Learn more about FETs in this helpful guide!
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Download the White Paper

While the end of one’s life is something most people want to avoid discussing, the reality is we all pass away, and everyone deserves a funeral. If a family isn’t prepared for these end-of-life costs, they stand to face a catastrophic financial and emotional burden—something no one wants to place on their loved ones. Learn how you can help your clients.

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What’s Inside?

  • The definition of a funeral expense trust
  • How it compares to pre-need funeral contracts
  • The benefits of choosing a funeral expense trust
  • Long-term care planning tactics with FETs
  • How to purchase a funeral expense trust
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